What is RFID technology?
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that allows to identify almost every object with data send by radio waves.
Is RFID for you?
Everyday RFID
Enterprise RFID
RFID for you
This solution will benefit not only large corporations, but also smaller enterprises from various industries. What’s more, in a short time it “pays back” with interest, opening up a spectrum of possibilities for the company – it helps in identifying, monitoring and managing all its elements. RFID technology and its automated, high-performance extended-range wireless scanning contributes to the efficiency and accuracy of any business. An unquestionable advantage is also the possibility of multiple use of RFID tags, which are additionally resistant to external factors affecting them, such as moisture, temperature or impact.
Use of RFID technology
Logistics – providing visibility and transparency of supply chain. Sending information about products’ status in real timer allows for faster action.
Retail & Distribution sector – tracking single positions is specially beneficial in retail and distribution. Starting from production to sale location, we can trace full product history. Additionally, we can perform inventory in a few minutes.
Time measurements on different running events or marathons is one of the most popular RFID users. The participants may not even know their timing is measure this way.
Registration of participants – many conferences and fairs use RFID to monitor entry/exit of participants to the event, thus eliminating standard registration.
Asset management – in construction and similar sectors, materials are often the most expensive element of the project. On large sites, finding given material may be difficult. Using RFID tags and gates helps locate the material.
Access control – some places require security level and access control, e.g. attended parking lot, office, warehouse, etc.
Tracking IT assets – IT assets, such as laptops, tablets, servers or peripherals are costly investments. What is more, data stored on them cannot fall into wrong hands. Tags on IT assets enable fast inventory and tracking.
Tracking tools –tool management is a challenge in sectors where a lot of different tools is used. Tracking them with RFID technology allows to see when a given tool was collected, who collected them and which ones were not returned.
Libraries – RFID monitors books flow. Barcodes require visibility with device, which is not the case with RFID, so the process of issue/return of given books is faster. Another advantage is fast inventory.
Laundry and textile rental – some companies have to manage large number of uniforms. Thanks to RFID tags you know which uniforms were assigned to worker, what is their wear level since production, laundry, etc.
RFID technology – what is it and what to pay attention to?